Friday, June 22, 2012

Fantasy Wedding Dress

Fantasy Wedding Dress

A fantasy wedding is a special event and thus it’s only appropriate that it be a totally unique experience for those involved. There are many aspects to planning and going through with a wedding, but the part that many brides focus on, the part that nearly all the guests focus on, is the bride’s fantasy wedding dress itself.

There are many types of wedding dress, from the simple “best dress you own” to the iconoclastic “pure-as-the-driven-snow white princess ball gown” made famous by the Victorian era along with all the different styles and colors in between, or of course a fantasy wedding dress.

Just like any fashion trend, things come and go and one of the things that has been back with a vengeance is the fantasy wedding dress. Whether it’s for a faerie tale wedding or something more historical, the fantasy wedding dress is both fanciful and leaves a lot of room for personal and creative alteration.
From the early medieval period to the lavish renaissance, there’s just something almost exotic about a wedding dress from an era long since passed. Not to mention the gamut of style for fantasy wedding dresses, just like modern dresses, ranges from the sleek and simplistic to the ornate and complicated. And it’s not just the fantasy wedding dress, but the accoutrements as well that also take on an exotic and fanciful air, from the headdresses all the way down to the jewelry and shoes. And what goes better with a period wedding dress than a flowing cloak? Absolutely nothing, unless of course you’ve got a carriage with 6 white steeds to get you to the appointed place, but that falls a bit far from the dress category.

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